 Nippon 2007 |
 1953 Philcon II |
 1955 Clevention |
 1956 NyCon II |
The Hugo Awards, named for science fiction's legendary editor Hugo Gernsback, are given for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy literature, art, and fannish activities. |
 1957 Loncon I |
 1958 Solacon |
 1959 Detention |
Hugos are awarded each year by the World Science Fiction Society, at the World Science Fiction Convention. |
 1960 Pittcon |
 1961 Seacon |
 1962 Chicon III |
The Hugo Awards were originally called "Special Achievement Awards," then "Science Fiction Achievement Awards," and now, simply the "Hugo Awards." |
 1963 Discon I |
 1964 Pacificacon II |
 1965 Loncon II |
The awards have been given every year (except 1954) since 1953 for work done in the previous calendar year.
 1966 Tricon |
 1967 NyCon III |
 1968 Baycon |
The Retrospective Hugos are also awards for excellence in the field of science fiction and fantasy—for a year in which a Worldcon was held but no Hugo awards were given. |
 1969 St. Louiscon |
 1970 Heicon 70 |
 1971 Noreascon I |
So Noreascon Four's Retro Hugos were given for 1954 (but for work done in 1953), when no Hugo awards (then called "Special Achievement Awards") were given, and the Millennium Philcon's Retro Hugos were given for 1951 (for work done in 1950). |
 1972 L.A.Con I |
 1973 Torcon II |
 1974 Discon II |
Both the Hugo and Retrospective Hugo Awards are based on the rocket design by Jack McKnight and Ben Jason. |
 1975 Aussiecon One |
 1976 MidAmeriCon |
 1977 SunCon |
Each Worldcon committee may select its own base design. |
 1978 IguanaCon II |
 1979 Seacon 79 |
 1980 Noreascon Two |
Here are photographs of the 54 Hugo trophy designs and 2 Retrospective Hugo trophy designs. |
 1981 Denvention Two |
 1982 Chicon IV |
 1983 ConStellation |
Text and all photos are © Michael Benveniste, except 1970, 1993, 1994, 1997, and 2002, © Sheila Perry; 1982, © Steven Silver; 2007 © Michael McMillan. Nippon 2007 thanks them for their use. |
 1984 L.A.con II |
 1985 Aussiecon Two |
 1986 ConFederation |
 1987 Conspiracy 87 |
 1988 Nolacon II |
 1989 Noreascon 3 |
 1990 ConFiction |
 1991 Chicon V |
 1992 MagiCon |
 1993 ConFrancisco |
 1994 ConAdian |
 1995 Intersection |
 1996 L.A.con III |
 1997 LoneStarCon 2 |
 1998 BucConneer |
 1999 Aussiecon Three |
 2000 Chicon 2000 |
 2001 Millennium Philcon |
 2002 ConJose |
 2003 Torcon 3 |
 2004 Noreascon Four |
 2005 Interaction |
 2006 LACon IV |
 Nippon 2007 |
 1951 Retro Millennium Philcon |
 1954 Retro Noreascon Four |