Edie Stern has been a lifelong S-F reader and a fan since the early 70's. Her Worldcon experiences include co-editing the LAcon IV Souvenir Book, co-editing the Noreascon 4 Progress Reports and being Program Division Head for MagiCon, the 50th Worldcon. An avid reader, she was welcomed into Second Fandom when Lee Hoffman explained to Roger Sims (who was the gatekeeper at the time) that Edie was her twin sister, albeit 20 years younger! Edie has pubbed her ish (mostly clubzines and convention pubs), worked on conventions (regionals to Worldcons, gofer to chair to Worldcon division head), filked with enthusiasm, collected art and pulps and subways. She has been co-Fan Guest of Honor with Joe Siclari at DeepSouthCon and Minicon and is a founder and honorary lifetime member of the South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS). In her spare time, she has had a career in technology with 68 issued patents in telecommunications and related aspects of computer science. Her great remaining ambition in fandom is to keep her husband from volunteering to chair another Worldcon.