Edd Vick

Edd Vick, the son of a pirate, is a 2002 Clarion SF Workshop gratduate and a short fiction writer with recent stories in Asimov's, Baen's Universe, and elsewhere.  Anthologies to publish his work include Northwest Passages, Distant Planes, and Fundamentally Challenged.  His recent story "Moon Does Run" from Electric Velocipede was chosen for inclusion in the current Year's Best SF 12.  Visit him at eddvick.livejournal.com or read his flash fiction at dailycabal.com

Recently published - 2 recent stories in Asimov's SF: "The Compass", and "Parachute Kid" "Moon Does Run" in Electric Velocipede, chosen for Kramer/Hartwell-edited Year's Best SF "Reb the First" in Baen's Universe My blog: eddvick.livejournal.com founding member: dailycabal.com (flash fiction)

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