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[ printer friendly ]
Pre-Con Checklist
This page is a work in progress. You may offer suggestions in the LiveJournal Nippon 2007 Community. We have a printer friendly version available.
Things to do / remember / consider before leaving for Yokohama:
- Join Nippon 2007! Member number:
- Get a passport. Passport number:
- Order a JR Railpass if you're going to visit other cities. You can't get one in Japan.
- Make hotel reservations. Hotel and confirmation number:
- Check route between hotel and Convention Center. Subway, taxi, walk? See Location map on Hotel page.
- Make plane reservations. Airline, date, time, flt number:
- Make list of travel info to carry with you - (and leave a copy with loved ones, just in case)
- Name of your hotel (also spelled in Japanese if possible)
- Address and phone number of the hotel
- Dates you're staying
- Name of the train or bus you're taking to Yokohama.
- Similar information for getting between your hotel and Pacifico Yokohama
- Xerox three copies of your passport's id/picture page, one to carry, one for relatives, one inside your suitcase.
- Will your cell phone work in Japan? Check with your phone company. We have rental info on the website Travel page.
- Will your credit card work in Japan? MC/Visa/AmEx will. Diners Club, Discover, JCPenney probably will not. Let your credit card company know you'll be in Japan, so they don't get suspicious and cut you off. Many restaurants and shops do not take credit cards. If you don't see the card logo in the place, figure on cash.
- Cash, to exhange for yen, for the many places that don't take plastic. ATM's are available.
- Food allergies? See Language/Culture/Food page.
- Prescription medicines? Take in carry-on luggage, bring copy of prescription.
- Stuff to survive the Long Flight, in carry-on bag -
- Novel to read.
- Candy, munchies, Rolaids, etc., no liquids.
- Soft, squishy earplugs.
- Toothbrush, mini-deodorant, electric shaver (mini-toothpaste, no blade razors)
- Airlines will have aspirin, maybe Tylenol. Stronger, bring your own. No Ambien while flying.
- Read the Jet Lag article on the Travel page.
- Print a copy of our Japanese Phrase Book to study on the way.
- Stuff to bring along ?
- Camera, film, batteries, charger, memory cards
- Notebook computer (if you must). See Hotel page for types of web connection available.
- Phrase book.
- Address book.
- PDA and charger.
- A sheet of your return address labels. Stick a bunch on your suitcase in protected corners. Use the others to fill out forms and trade addresses with new friends.
- Comfortable walking shoes you will recognize when you leave them at the door. (Parties are "shoes-off" this year.)
- A fork (if incompetent at chopsticks). Pack in checked baggage.
- Print a hotel location map in Japanese from your hotel's web site. Show to taxi driver.
- Anything electrical with a three prong plug needs a two prong adapter. Japan has 100 volt current.
- Read the Manners and Etiquette page linked on the Language/Food/Culture page.
No tipping in Japan.
Many airlines now have luggage limitations, and may charge extra for number of bags and weight. Consider packing light. You might want to leave room in a suitcase for souvenirs.
Get some Yen at the airport. You'll need something to pay the fare if you take a taxi to your hotel from Yokohama Station. It's bank rate at the Arrival lobby windows.
Narita Departure tax runs ¥2000 (around $18) but may be included in your airfare. If you haven't checked, you might save some yen for it, with which you can otherwise tip the flight attendants.
You can dispose of excess yen after the con by applying to your hotel bill, room service, etc.
Avoid caffiene during the flight (coffee, cola). The best way to fly is asleep.
Think about staying up later at night in the pre-con days. Night owls might suffer less jet lag on arrival.