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Siiru Kikaku / Seal Trading![]() The seals are usually 24 x 17 mm in size, either commercially or home printed. Bid parties and groups hand out seals much as they do at western cons, but in Japan, individuals also get in the act by printing their own designs and placing one on their badges to indicate they're in the seal business. There will also be a "voodoo" board, where participants may place there own seals to announce their presence. Fans can obtain seals at bid parties, after some program presentations, from other groups, and by trading with one another. The seals are collected in a souvenir booklet called a daishi, which will be available at the con. If you see individuals in the process of trading seals, don't be afraid to jump in and offer your own. A good thing about the siiru kikaku tradition for Nippon 2007 in particular is that you needn't speak each other's language to make a friend. Nevertheless, here are a few Japanese phrases to help things along -
Siiru Koukan shite kudasai = How about exchanging our seals? Arigatou gozaimasu = Thank you. Sutekina Siiru desune = Your seal is nice. Sumimasen, Watashi wa Siiru o motte imasen = Sorry, I do not have my seal. These three photos of daishi and a "voodoo" board give an idea of the nature and quality of seals being exchanged. Click the photos to see much larger versions.
Commercially printed stickers are available from Moo (22 x 22 mm, but they will fit the daishi booklets). You can design your own from photos or graphics, or buy their ready made stickers.